Does the prospect of going into a strange room and answering questions from one or more strangers for 30-60 minutes sound like terror? Perhaps, having these strangers determine your entire career for you intimidates you or makes you nervous? Well, worry no more! We are here to help!
Whether you have never had an interview before, are not quite sure of what to expect, or your interview skills are a little rusty, The Perfect Resume and ZYGAVERSE have collaborated to bring you Arizona's leading interview hacking course!
Imagine walking into a job interview, knowing that you will look and sound your best.
You are 100% confident that you can speak in a compelling manner
You have great examples and stories about your skills and abilities
You have compelling reasons as to why you are a great fit for this job
The Hidden Art to Interview Hacking course contains 2 action-packed hours of content, including helpful tips and tricks to not only make an excellent first impression but also ensure that you stand out from your competition and get selected for the job. Therefore, when you walk out of the interview, you will know that you did your very best, in that the interviewer understands and respects your unique talents.
Using the techniques in this course increases your employability and enhance your perceived value to employers. Throughout the course, you will be guided in a creative, entertaining and informative way to learn proven, scientific backed techniques to help you promote yourself effectively to interviewers. For example, you will know how hidden behaviours, expressions and body language can be the difference between getting hired or rejected from your interview!
What you are about to learn can be used in all future social interactions by helping you influence evolutionary biology and psychology to your advantage. On completion, you will have a framework to hack your next interview, using targeted social psychology, interpersonal communication and neuroscience techniques, such as:
Projecting confidence through your appearance and dressing for success
Incorporating colour psychology and personality into your interview
The Law of Attractiveness and how you can use it for positive impressions
Analysing your handshake to connect with the hiring manager in a dignified manner
Making the interview your time to shine by incorporating social proof
Projecting trustworthiness, likeability and leveraging emotional transference
Commanding the room, using positive, negative, open and closed body language and nonverbal communication, including mirroring, eye contact and facial mimicry.
The course also discusses the following scientific frameworks:
The Neurophysiological Process
Multiple Source Effect
Mechanism of Action
Self Disclosure
Projection of Liking
Complimentary Compliments
The Power of the Posture
Emotional Contagion
The Happiness Epidemic
Master the techniques above to affect others consciously and subconsciously. Hear from the people that did the course...
“When you come to a new country, it is hard to learn about the
cultural differences. With this course, it is much easier. Everything they teach, I can’t find anywhere else!” - Aswith W
“I interviewed for a few companies and never got through the
last step. This course sounded too good to be true, but I did it,
and now I have a job, so it must work lol.” - Samantha J
“Learning about how to change someone’s perspective about you
is extremely valuable. I think, if you can make someone like you, there is a higher chance they will hire you and do business with you" - James B
Are you ready to learn the best tips and tricks as we deep dive into the social behaviours of humans? Add the course to the cart, and we will send you the details to enrol. 2 hours later, you will have the confidence to ace your interview!
What are The Perfect Resume's customers saying?
Based on 1 review
Resume and Cover Letter for Smart Job
Absolutely amazing job! I would recommend Melissa to anyone. I never knew how good my resume could be and have already been telling all my friends they need to use her to make their next big career move!
"Super prompt and professional service. Really helped me update a resume that hadn’t had a style change in 18 years. Big thank you to you and your team."
Gav S
The team at The Perfect Resume are amazing at what they do, they were able to restructure my resume to meet all the key points in my industry. They have provided me with a resume and cover letter that has landed interviews, also boosted my confidence preparing for them. They were quick and effective with their services, will recommend anyone looking to get their resume and cover letter done to contact them.